Press Release Summary = Books for self-learning Chinese sentences are available.
Press Release Body = Can you say \"Hello\" in Chinese? Yes, you can - just say \"ni hao\". Can you say \"How are you?\" in Chinese? Yes, you can - just say \"ni hao ma?\". Now you have already learned two Chinese sentences! Who said Chinese is difficult to learn? You can learn 1,500-3,000 Chinese sentences as easily as such with two self-study books: \"Essential Chinese 1500\" and \"Intermediate Chinese 1500\", authored by Xin Xu.
Each of these two books contains the teaching of 1,500 sentences and their related vocabularies. The meanings and pronunciations of each word and each sentence are all provided.
The content structure of these books utilized a breakthrough language educational framework designed by the author, which has been proven more effective than the traditional pure sentence based teaching model as used in the book \"English 900\", pure phrase based model as used in the book \"Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases\" and grammar driven teaching model as used in thousands of language educational books.
Published by Xinware Corporation, the books are available for purchasing at the site Both printed versions and e-book versions of the books are available. Other books from the publisher are available at the site